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Monday 2 July 2012

Home remedies to Control your weight and belly:


In early years of life, when we are teenagers we don’t put on much weight, no matter whatever we eat. Chocolates, high fat milk shakes, ice creams, junk food and so many things. But later on in 20s, we start to put on weight, and controlling that becomes impossible. We stress out, and gain more, may be losing some hair, gain skin problems and many disastrous things can happen. This is the time when we gain weight and are never able to lose it. So, We are to put forward some steps to control the weight put on in this sensitive age time where you are beginning with new career and education path and don’t really have time for exercises and other hard routines. There are some really easy tips that you’ll have to be use to in order to get a body with proper weight.
1.       To lose extra weight, you need to know how important lemon is, try and have lemon juice at least once a day, in Luke warm water, without any salt or sugar added into it. It makes your metabolism work faster and better, you’ll lose fat.
2.       Drink a lot of water; keep a water bottle with you. Drink at least 3 liters of water or 10-12 glasses of water every day. Early in the morning, when you wake up. First thing you do is to drink two Luke warm glasses of water.
3.       Don’t have heavy diets, avoid beverages, try and have green or herbal tea, may be lemon grass 3 to 4 times a day. It helps you lose weight.
4.       Don’t sit all the day, keep moving around, try and do your work by your own self.
5.       Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, have a good, healthy, low fat, high protein, omega 3 and 6 breakfast. Cornflakes, glass of milk, eggs may be.
6.       Try and skip lunch and have fruits instead of having lunch, avoid having junk food.
7.       Have dinner at least two hours before you sleep. Avoid oily food, have boiled vegetables and chicken.
8.       While you sleep, keep your face to the right side of you, this is how you can avoid cardio problem.
These are some tips, in your busy life you can easily indulge these tips, you’ll be able to control and lose some weight, this will help you in later years of life.


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