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Monday 2 July 2012

Home remedies to control belly fat


           Each & everyone thoughts of a plane to control weight. It takes discipline and effort to get the abdominal muscles carved. Only six things you can do now to remove this belly problem.
1.     Only doing exercise is not the solution, do regularly physical activities which increase heart rate to increase metabolic rate. Use the stairs, hike during lunch break or take a dance class of cardiovascular system.
2.     Work hard with abdominal muscles, exercises such like dance, Pilates, yoga, and other basic exercises, these things helps a lot for the purpose.
3.     Be cautious about eating; avoiding eating carbohydrates. Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables which contains vitamins. Avoiding drinking soda sweetened drinks and alcoholic drinks and try to drink pure water always.
4.     Consume small meals regularly, toast with cream cheese & corn is better option.
5.     Get sufficient sleep because everybody needs six to eight hours of sleep a night. So if anyone is not sleeping well, then it’s tough to drop the fat.
6.     Contact with surgeon or doctor who can suggest something to you which can change your life.


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