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Monday 5 March 2012

Friz-free hair tips


If you take little care of your brittle hair then your hair can be converted into shiny and frize-free beautiful hair. Trust me it is not a difficult job to manage the  frizzy hair and after doing some work on frize hair you can make your hair beautiful and attractive.
 Protein loss and moisture loss is the main causes of hair loss and dry hair. Coconut shampoo and conditioner is good for protecting the hair loss and recovering hair.
here are some tips to get frizz-free hair with straightening.
  •  Take coconut oil and apply it on hair and massage it with smooth fingers also brush your hair with a wide tooth comb.
  • Wash your beautiful hair with herbal shampoo and conditioner after thirty minutes after applying coconut oil on scalp and keep the conditioner on for two minutes.
  •  Then smoothly squeeze out water from your wet hair with hands and then with towel and after five to seven minutes leave them for drying naturally.
  • Detangle hair first with fingertips then with a wide tooth comb. Apply a few drops of coconut oil to your comb to make the detangling process easy and one more thing that is very much important that do not over apply the coconut oil.
  • Apply casto oil also to your beautiful hair and then use hair straightener then your hair will become beautiful, attractive, straight and glossy.

A look of beautiful hair styles


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