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Sunday 1 July 2012

Exercises for rapid weightloss


 Exercise has always been the best way to lose weight, i have learned of some really useful and easy excercises that make your body flexible and ready to shrink.

1. First of all, stretch, neck,arms, legs, feet, hands, waist, all the body.
2. Take a few jumps to take the heart rate high, or increase the heart rate.
3. starting from the top, arms, chest and waist excercises, put both of your hands on the back of your head showing your elbows to the opposite sides, now try to touch your right knee up to right elbow, and then left knee to left elbow, do this 5 times on first day, 10 on second and increase till 30, and do it 30 times daily afterwards. this will help reduce weight from all over the body.
4. Try to reach your toes with your hands, it makes body very flexible.
5. Run everyday, for 15-20 minutes, heart rate increases and thats good for body and weight reduction also.
6. Reduce heart rate when you leave working out, cause suddenly stopping can bring harm to body.

These are some exercises good for weight reduction and health!


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