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Thursday 14 June 2012

Tips for Strong nails


Nails get very weak and break quiet often but they also make our hands look beautiful, so we need strong nails, but due to frequently working with water, doing dishes or washing clothes can ruin our nails, but there are ways through which we can strengthen our nails, some of them are given below:
Take a garlic piece and rub it against your nails for a while, more like 10 minutes and than leave your nails over night, they will strong by doing this everyday for 1 week.
Put vaseline on your nails and give a light handed massage at night, your nails will get stronger in just a few times.
Keep your nails away from a lot of water exposure.
Take a glass of milk in your diet daily, fulfil the need of calcium in your body, your nails will be definitely stronger.
These are just a few tips, but very useful, hope they will work pretty well.


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