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Tuesday 19 June 2012

Home remedies for low Blood Pressure


Low blood pressure has become a common problem even in people with young age, but its mostly a problem of aged people, mostly over 35, but there are some home remedies through which we can prevent and stop low blood pressure and normalize it.

#1. Add some salt to taste in lemon juice and drink, it will normalize blood pressure asap, its a very easy and convinient home remedy.
#2. Low blood pressure can also be caused by heat and low sugar in body, in that case, have a carrot juice, its pretty working, and healthy also.
#3. Third home remedy is have a glass of glucose, its really useful in reducing tension, and normalize low blood pressure caused by heat.
#4. Take 7 almonds, put them in water overnight, soak the, peal and grind to paste, mix with milk and boil, drink it warm, this home remedy is very useful.

These are some really good home remedies for low blood pressure, hope you'll like them.


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