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Monday 16 April 2012

Feet care tips


Foot care takes little time and gives amazing results.
Here are certain tips for natural foot care...

1. Clean off old nail polish using a cotton ball and Q-tips cotton swab is the perfect tool for smaller toenail.

2. Cut your nails straight across using toenail clippers.

3. Fill a bucket or large bowl with warm water and Epsom salts. Take good magazine and relax for at least 15 minutes. Rinse feet in clean, warm water and then dry it.

4. Use a pumice stone to smooth away bad skin on toes, heels & the balls of feet.

5. Using an orangewood stick, softly push back cuticles and never cut the cuticle.

6. Rubbing an extra-rich moisturizer like Vaseline Intensive Care into your toes, ankles, soles - even calves - to increase circulation, relieve weakness, and energize.

7. Polish your feet with and polishing toes is easier with a foam toe separator and apply clear base coat for absorbing pigments from the polish.




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