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Monday 19 March 2012

Pimples care


Pimples Remedy:


Having pimples or acne or dark marks is a very embarrassing problem especially for young girls and boys, pregnant ladies and other people as well, here is a easy homemade solutions to keep your skin away from pimples and acne.

Take a hand full of rice, lime or lemon and water.

Put rice in the water overnight to soak into it and get smoother, the next day, free the rice from remaining water and grind them to make a paste, add lime or lemon into it, just a teaspoon, and then stir till completely mixed.

Use this paste on your skin twice a week not more than that, and just for the time of twenty minutes, not more.

Use a toner after this solution and also moisturize your skin even if your skin is oily, this locks your skin pores and makes it smooth.

Drink a lot of water, it makes your skin clean, keep your stomach clean, don’t eat oily food and junk especially, happy stomach leads to happy skin.

Wash your face as many times as you can, avoid a lot of sun exposure, use a sun block suitable to your skin. Moisturize your skin daily.

Try this, this remedy will surely make your skin free of pimples and acne and will make it worth loving.

Dry skin home remedies:

Dry skin is a usual problem in winter especially in extremely cold areas, dryness in skin is very common, face, hands, feet, knees and elbows go darker in winters, to keep them moisturized and clean and white, there are some basic tips you can consider very easily, like oily skin, dry skin also close your pores but differently, so its remedy are also almost opposite. Following are some tips for dry skin:

    * After washing your face, don’t clean it, apply moisturizer on wet skin, this makes your skin moisturized for a longer period of time.
    * Apply homemade moisturizers; avoid using chemicals on your skin.

    * Put aloe Vera on face, keep it to dry for ten minutes and wash your face with lukewarm water.

    * Mix up honey and milk in equal amounts of a tbsp and apply it to your face and nearby areas for 10 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

    * Always wash your face with lukewarm water.

    * Spray rose water on your face, it makes your face look fresh and pink.

    * Exfoliate your skin with a scrub when showering, maybe with a homemade scrub or a good product.

    * In breakfast, if we take meals with omega 3, that’s a natural way to keep your skin from dryness.

    * Lips also get dry, try making a lip balm at home, or buy one which has less chemicals or which is more fragrant.

    * Choosing soaps and body washes is critical at this point; prefer ones that are especially for dry skin, which keeps your skin soft and smooth.

These were some very easy and less time taking tips for dry skin, next we’ll be talking about pimples, which will be kind of a little more technical. For now take care of yourself by taking care of your beautiful skin.


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