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Monday 19 March 2012

Avoide Bad Breathe Naturally


Avoid Bad breathe naturally

 Odor from mouth makes you not to mingle in societies. When you breathe bad no one wants to talk with you and prohibits you to take breathe in public and creates a sense of inferiority. Basically it is caused by various factors like cavities, throat infections, alcohol, smoking, lung infection, and also from unhygienic food.

But one should not worry about these problems, there are different natural home remedies to avoid the odor and you can laugh freely in friends’.

Here are some tips you can use:

1.After taking meal always try to brush your teeth

2. Sweeten your breath by chewing up a few cardamom seeds. The aromatic flavor in cardamom freshens up your breath.

3. Often drink one glass of lemon juice with little salt and sugar.

4. Chew up some leaves of Parsley for fresh breath.

5. Tea made methi seeds also prevents from bad odor and bad breath.

6. Take a glass of water and rinse your teeth by adding half lemon juice to it.

7. Drink water through all the day

Keep your tongue and teeth clean, try to brush at mornings and nights and take preservative measures to avoid bad breathe and eat hygienic food products, avoid smoking and use recommended toothbrush.


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