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Wednesday 30 May 2012


Remedy for Dark circles under eyes:


Eyes are very sensitive organ of body and they get dark cirlces very easily if we takecare, there are some reasons why we get dark circles, and then some solutions how to get rid of dark circles.
Less sleep, sleeping in late hours, waking up till late at night, watching tv too much, using computer, laptops, mobile phones etc. These are some very basic reasons why dark circles occur, but to get rid of them, we don't want to let go all of this, so there are some remedies, taking very less time and result oriented, heals dark circles in a really less time, some of them are listed down :

  • cucumber is really useful to remedy skin darkness, specially darkness under eyes, we can always use cucumber juice or cucumber slice on eyes. if you choose the juice, put it over night and wash in the morning, and if you choose sliced cucumber than u better put it on your eye for 15 minutes anytime of the day and wash.
  • I was facing this problem lately and got remedied through one easy tip, that is daily night i used to put natural fresh milk cream under my eyes, it took two weeks to get my eyes out of darkness occured because of late nights.
  • Don't get rid of used tea bags, use them on your eyes for 20 minutes, do this 2 times everyday, two weeks continuous, and you'll see that your eyes will look best of them.
  • And a very common tip, drink loads and loads of water.
  • Use lemon juice under eyes, but be very careful about that it doesn't goes in your eyes, eyes are very sensitive and lemon is a strong acid, put it for 10-15 minutes once everyday.
  • Take 8 hours of sleep atleast everyday, and correct sleeping hours are very important.
These are all for today guys, these remedies sure are going to work very well, use one at a time please, and get rid of your dark eye circles, and make your personality the best!
Give me your feedback please.


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